I Am The Only One (Paul Lipinski) Novice
I Am your Man (Fred Whitehouse, Niels Poulsen) Avancé
I Can't Do This (Darren Bayley) Intermédiaire
I Could Get Used To This (Mike O'Brien) Intermédiaire
iDance Disco (Fred Whiehouse & Lilan Lo) Novice
I Didn't Pick This Polka (Lotta Trinse) Novice
I Don't Wanna Go To Bed (D. Trepat, JM Belloque Vane, D. Bailey, R. Verdonk, P. Van Grootel, A. Glass) Intermédiaire
I Feel Good (Rebecca Ohman) Avancé
I Feel It Coming (Ria Vos) Intermédiaire
I Feel You (Rebecca Lee) Intermédiaire
I Got A Woman (Michael Desire Nietto) Débutant
I Kissed A Girl (Yvonne Zielonka Hlousek) Novice
I Know Islands (Anita McNab) Débutant
I Know What You Did Last Summer (Roy Hadisubroto, Fiona Murray) Intermédiaire
I Like How It Feels (Darren Bailey) Novice
I Need Your Love (Dwight Meesen) Intermédiaire
I Run To You (Rachael McEnaney) Intermédiaire
I Saw Linda Yesterday (Derek Robinson) Novice
I See Me (Tina Argyle) Novice
I Showed You The Door (K.Sala, C. Durand, D. Bailey, G. Richard) Intermédiaire
I Wanna Try Everything (G. O'Reilly, J. M. Belloque Vane, S. Wolf, H. Barton, J. Dahlgren, P. Birbaumer) Intermédiaire
I Want Your Love (Roz Morang, Joe Miller) Novice
I Was There For You (Marylène Bocquet) Novice
I Was Wrong (Neville Fitzgerald, Julie Harris) Intermédiaire
I'm Free (Raymond Sarleminj, Roy Verdonk, Jill Babinec) Débutant
I'm Mad (Bernard Shatto) Intermédiaire
I'm No Good (Rachael McEnaney) Intermédiaire
I'm One Of Those (Daniel Trepat, Jose Miguel Belloque Vane) Débutant
I'm Over You (Julia Wetzel) Intermédiaire
I've Got No Roots (Henl O'Malley, Rob Fowler) Débutant
Ice Breaker (Mary Kelly) Débutant
Ice Cream Freeze (Jolanda Korpershoek) Débutant
If I Was A Woman (Marie Sorensen) Novice
If I Wuz U (Neville Fitzgerald, Julie Harris) Débutant
If I'm Lucky (Ryan Hunt) Intermédiaire
If You Think It's Over (John & Phyllis Canon Whipple) Novice
If You Were Mine (Maggie Gallagher) Intermédiaire
Imeldas' Way (Adrian Churm) Novice
In A Heartbeat (John Reilly) Intermédiaire
In It Together (Karl-Harry Winson) Novice
In My Heart (Maggie Gallagher) Intermédiaire
In The Ayer (E. Zetterstrom, A. Toft) Novice
In The Six (Shane McKeever, Joey Warren) Avancé
In Your Arms (Niels Poulsen) Novice
Incomplete (B. Sarkies, M. Burgess) Intermédiaire
Inside Out (Roy Hadisubroto) Novice
International Harvester (Ellie Meerman) Intermédiaire
Into The Arena (Michael Vera-Lobos) Intermédiaire
Intrigue (Rob Fowler) Intermédiaire/Avancé
Invisible (Willie Brown) Intermédiaire
Iris (N. Fitzgerald, J. Harris, D. Musk) Intermédiaire
Irish Boots (Roy Verdonk, Ivonne Verhagen, Kate Sala, Jef Camps) Novice+
Irish Spirit (Maggie Gallagher) Intermédiaire
Irish Stew (Lois Lightfoot) Novice
Island Song (Clare Bull) Débutant
Island In The Stream (Karen Jones) Novice
Island In The Stream Partner (Laurent Peyruchaud) Novice (Partner)
It Solo Solo (Francien Sittrop) Intermédiaire
It Takes All Kinds (Rob Fowler) Débutant
It'll Just Take Money (Robbie Halvorson) Novice
Italiano (Rachael McEnaney, Niels Poulsen, Shane McKeever) Intermédiaire
It's All About The 3 Steps (Jose Miguel Belloque Vane, Roy Verdonk) Débutant
It's Easy (Geoff Langford) Débutant
It's Just That Way (Charlie & Gerry Gines) Novice
It's Not Ok (S. Arvidson, T. Kawamoto, Y. Sugawara) Intermédiaire